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Content archived on 2024-06-16

A European Platform for the Communication of European RTD results to Stakeholders in Fisheries and Aquaculture

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Updates for aquaculture and fisheries stakeholders

A fisheries and aquaculture-focused initiative developed an outreach programme for communication and knowledge dissemination. The platform and relevant gatherings informed related stakeholders of policy aspects and research activities.

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'A European platform for the communication of European RTD results to stakeholders in fisheries and aquaculture' (Profet policy) was a project gave stakeholders in aquaculture and fisheries the opportunity to learn more about European policies and research efforts related to their fields. The EU-funded project offered a series of activities for communicating and disseminating results of the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes (FP6 and FP7 respectively). The focus was on issues related to policy. Project partners organised international and regional workshops that encouraged the exchange of views, and mobilised discussions on research needs going forward. These gatherings highlighted the need to adapt to sustainability requirements and concerns regarding the improvement of policy understanding. European Commission representatives were present at the workshops along with industry and science representatives, so as to generate discussion of the potential for future projects to respond to market as well as scientific needs. Technical leaflets were prepared, with major emphasis given to all aspects for optimal information dissemination. These compilations and other materials were offered at project thematic workshops, and also made accessible on the Profet policy website. The creation of a platform not only enhanced communications levels, dissemination and presentation of results, but also served to identify priorities related to sector requirements. Importantly, project activities uncovered that few stakeholders were aware of the realities and potential of European research, although many were actually very interested in participating in related projects. Profet policy achieved its objectives of increasing the information levels of stakeholders and providing feedback to European authorities with regard to required policies support. The main channel for this success took the form of a specialised website that offered project summaries, background policy documents and references to original documents and regulations. The project's target audiences were identified as the professional and service sectors in European fisheries and aquaculture, policymakers and public authorities, and the general public. Given the website's importance and success, partners opted to maintain and update it for five years following the project's end.

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