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Co-production on European research and future studies targeted at young people

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Science TV inspires young people

An innovative TV series has created TV characters or 'future detectives' that address global scientific challenges to encourage careers in the field.

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Experts in future studies and film producers have come together to produce TV programmes aimed at young people and related to science. The project team aimed to raise young people's interest in science and encourage them to embark on science-related careers. The fully-funded EU project 'Co-production on European research and future studies targeted at young people' (Future Detectives) employed young characters in the show to tackle many science-related questions. These included solutions required to make tomorrow's world better than today's and how science can contribute to solving future societal problems. These characters or 'future detectives' aimed to find out if the world was prepared to solve tomorrow's problems. To achieve its goals, the project aimed to trigger young people's curiosity with science on how it could influence their living conditions. It also worked on encouraging dialogue among society, scientists and politicians by depicting different future scenarios. The project succeeded in producing the series and airing it across Europe, distributing it to numerous educational institutions. This opened the door to distribution to different parts of the world through adequate promotion, raising the possibility of achieving the project's objectives on a global scale. By presenting engaging science programming full of challenges and adventures, the world's youth and young adults may be inspired to follow scientific careers, furthering the EU objective of a knowledge-powered economy.

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