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Reinforcement of the centre for computational solutions in the life sciences

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Upgrading the computational approach in the Balkans

A European initiative worked to enhance computational approaches to the life sciences in the Western Balkan region.

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The Centre for Computational Solutions in the Life Sciences at the Ruder Boskovic Institute (RBI) in Zagreb, Croatia is a research facility with activities ranging from bioinformatics of entire genomes to quantum-mechanical treatment of small model systems, including proteomics and mechanistic biochemistry. Through the project ‘Reinforcement of the Centre for Computational Solutions in the Life Sciences’ (Recompsols) EU partners aimed to improve and reinforce the research capacities of the Centre. This would strengthen the potential of the Centre to perform high quality research and to increase regional access to high-tech facilities. Initially, project partners upgraded the infrastructural support by purchasing up-to-date computer clusters. Through a dynamic recruitment initiative (DRI), the Recompsols project introduced short-term fellowships to finance the period between the completion of undergraduate studies and the potential procurement of long-term funding/employment for a total of 12 students. Additionally, the project coordinated an extensive programme of exchange and training visits among Western Balkan Countries (WBCs) to enhance cooperation and involvement in the European Research Area (ERA). Other important activities of the project, which fostered new collaborations, included the organisation of workshops and a summer school with the participation of leading scientists in the field. Overall, the Recompsols project succeeded in upgrading and reinforcing the research potential of the Centre for Computational Solutions in the Life Sciences in Zagreb, opening up new possibilities for collaboration at the national and European levels. Improving the capabilities of the Centre will render it more competitive among its European counterparts.

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