Operational plan for protection from industrial dust
Kazakhstan, Russia and the Ukraine possess large reserves of ferrous and non-ferrous metals that supply the countries’ metallurgical industries. However, outdated processes for metal extraction result in fine dust particles containing metal oxides that cause severe pollution through contamination of soil and water. In addition, the particles can easily enter the human respiratory system due to their extremely small size, causing serious health problems and even death. The Enprodus project focused on the development of an operational plan for preventing pollution from the generated metallurgical dust and ensuring protection of the regional environment. It also included the application of state-of-the-art technology from other European and non-European nations. The consortium therefore identified those research initiatives with the greatest potential, taking into consideration the needs of the local community and industry. Information was disseminated to scientists in Russia and the Newly Independent States (NIS) so that they could familiarise themselves with the new technology. This also helped the authorities of Kazakhstan, Russia and the Ukraine to achieve economic growth through sustainable development and the best management of natural resources.