EU-wide network to address aircraft noise reduction
Thanks to EU funding, the X-NOISE EV (Aviation noise research network and coordination) project initiated the collaborative network to streamline research efforts. The project supported investigations into noise-reduction technologies and novel architectures that allow for quieter aircraft while considering weight, performance and durability issues. Work began by assessing the current situation relative to ACARE 2020 targets and contributing to ACARE's Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and its Flightpath 2050 Vision. To establish priorities for research, X-NOISE EV delineated technical recommendations according to combined Vision 2020, 2035 and 2050 targets. Specifically, project partners supported the development of the new ACARE SRIA by delivering strategy documents to achieve the noise targets set by the Flightpath 2050 Vision. They maintained and updated technology roadmaps, such as a new technology roadmap for 2015-2025 to support the 2035 target, and produced annual technology status reports. The project integrated the European aviation noise research community through a network of National Focal Points (NFPs). Through their activities, NFPs established a comprehensive inventory of national efforts in noise research across Europe and worldwide. New NFPs in Bulgaria, Estonia and Slovenia joined the network. A broad range of events were organised and implemented. These included five scientific workshops, two noise mapping seminars and a workshop on general aviation noise. Overall, project achievements and roadmaps for 2020, 2035 and 2050 were presented at a workshop and a follow-up event. Lastly, a seminar was held outlining the various outreach and cooperation activities. Coordinators of international research networks provided an overview of their efforts and expressed interest in collaborating on specific areas. X-NOISE EV formed an important pillar of the EU's research agenda to make noise reduction associated with air travel a priority. By bringing together various stakeholders from Europe and beyond, the network ensured that research efforts will achieve maximum impact.
Aircraft noise, Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe, X-NOISE EV, aviation noise research network