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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Secretariat of the European Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

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Supporting sustainable nuclear energy in Europe

EU-funded partners have established an official Secretariat for the European Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP). With expertise in nuclear project management, the team have ensured high efficiency, visibility and impact.

SNETP was launched in 2007 to promote research, development and demonstration of nuclear fission technologies. With a Governing Board, Executive Committee and technical Working Groups (WGs), its goals are two-fold. In the shorter term, it seeks to ensure safety and competitiveness in fission technology while providing long-term waste management solutions. In the long term, its function is to support the Generation IV (Gen IV) nuclear reactor programmes. EU funding helped to initiate the project 'Secretariat of the European sustainable nuclear energy technology platform' (SNE-TP OFFICE) in 2008. The aim was to create a full-time support body to ensure efficiency and a central point of contact for maximum impact and visibility. Partners began by establishing an operational model for implementation of the European nuclear research and development (R&D) stakeholders' strategy. As a result, WGs have been restructured reflecting new technology goals. In 2010, with the coordination of SNE-TP OFFICE, SNETP launched the European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative (ESNII) on Gen IV fast neutron reactors with closed fuel cycles. By May 2011, three official WGs were in place and the fourth is under preparation. SNE-TP OFFICE is providing vital support to the SNETP, ensuring development of a common European vision and work plan for the development of nuclear fission. As nuclear fission has been incorporated into low-carbon policies and goals (the SET-Plan among them), the SNETP should have even greater impact and visibility with a smoothly running central office.

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