Publicly accessible research on the water sector
At the 2002 World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD), the EU launched a Water Initiative (EUWI) that would help reach targets for drinking water and sanitation, and for proper water resource management. At the time, it was recognised that knowledge and learning, societal mobilisation and the application of research would play essential roles. In light of this, the 'Communicating environmental impacts on water quality, availability and use' (COMENVIR) project was set up to ensure that EU-sponsored water research would reach European citizens. It covers environmental stressors, waste treatment, health effects, biodiversity, risks and the role of water quality in different environments. The project specifically aims to inform European consumers of current basic and applied research in the water sector, and to strengthen science education in classrooms. It will achieve these objectives through the creation of knowledge packages and effective dissemination measures. A book on water quality, several information packages and a number of films have already been prepared. These are available online and will be continuously updated and expanded. The COMENVIR project is set to have a lasting positive effect on the communication of new environmental research findings. It will also boost public understanding about the benefits of the environmental sciences.