Networking for security
As the world becomes increasingly globalised it offers many economies of scale, more open markets, enhanced use of resources and increased employment mobility. However, such globalisation is also internationalising security threats such as natural disasters and crime, prompting a need for advanced multilateral research and joint projects on security. The EU-funded project 'Security research NCP network - phase 1' (SEREN) worked on launching a network of existing EU NCPs related to security in order to promote security-related projects. It identified the network's needs and outlined services required by stakeholders, promoting the exchange of good practices to foster networking among different NCPs, supported by a website that facilitates exchanges. The project also enhanced NCP knowledge and awareness of the European security landscape, emphasising research links with sectors such as information technology, health and transport. Another important achievement involved mapping the EU's current security research programme and support structures. In the process, associations or clusters that boast direct contact with security providers and end users were included. SEREN also facilitated transnational cooperation and training on evaluating proposals for EU project funding. It monitored the policies and evolution of European security, disseminating relevant information across the network to European stakeholders. In effect, the project team successfully launched a 28-partner network from scratch and organised brokerage events where key security companies and research institutions presented their project ideas or competencies. It published the first map of European security research national programmes and released important notes on related programmes at EU and international levels. The emerging results have already begun to foster new synergies in the continent's security landscape and will be instrumental in enhancing security for citizens worldwide.