CORDIS CD-ROM Edition IV-1997
The final 1997 edition of the CORDIS CD-ROM has recently been published. It includes all the information available on the range of CORDIS on-line databases at the end of 1997. The CORDIS CD-ROM is published quarterly, and provides a fast and easy way to retrieve information on a wealth of European Union research and technological development activities. Using the CD-ROM, it is possible to conduct detailed searches, on different criteria, of EU-funded research projects, research results, publications or potential partners with none of the communications costs or delays involved in searching the databases on-line. The CD-ROM runs on the Watch CORDIS software which may also be used to access the on-line databases. The Watch CORDIS software, included on the CD-ROM, is designed for a Windows environment, and allows users to enter queries quickly and simply. CD-ROM users with on-line access to CORDIS can combine searches off-line with on-line searches, ensuring that they have access to the latest information, yet still minimizing communications costs.