Horizon 2020 and FP7 - a practical perspective to be held in Budapest, Hungary

The event will be held at Hotel Novotel Budapest Danube**** and will begin with registration at 9.00 on 19 April and the course will end approximately at 16.00 on 20 April 2012.
Day 1
* FP7 and Horizon 2020 – Comparison of structure, scopes, rules and how it will affect proposal development and project management in practice
* Short introduction to the 2014-2020 EU Funds
* Financial Rules of FP7 and Horizon 2020 - all you need to know about changes in eligibility, guarantee fund, payment methods, overhead calculation and a lot more...
* Project management milestones – comparison between FP7 and Horizon 2020
* Reporting - milestones and deliverables, critical path. What to report and how financial and technical reporting in FP7 and Horizon 2020.
* WORKSHOP: Management case-scenarios: Participants are divided into groups to solve real life cases – how will it change in Horizon 2020?
Day 2
* Project closure and monitoring - getting prepared for EC audits.
* WORKSHOP: Financial reporting - Participants prepare a financial report for FP7, based on “’dummy” invoices and time records generated for each participant.
* What will be different in reporting and audits in Horizon 2020?
For more info: http://www.eutrainingsite.com/125Rates include course material (electronic+hard copy), coffee breaks, and lunches on the training days and a social event on the first day. Accommodation is not included in the course price but a special rate of the venue hotel is available via this booking form. Information on other accommodation opportunities will be sent upon registration.