WORKSHOP: Winning FP7 Bids - Cambridge, UK

Tuesday 22 May 2012 – Cambridge, UK
A winning proposal for collaborative research projects in FP7 starts with firm foundations: the right topic, a practical workplan, and a consortium that can deliver not only the scientific results but also impact on society or the economy. This workshop will give you a comprehensive insight into how to establish the foundations for a successful proposal.
The workshop starts with the evaluation process and criteria, the chief financial conditions including viability checks and guarantees, and rules on intellectual property rights. The main part of the day will focus on the proposal itself, showing how a well designed project and consortium will meet the evaluation criteria. Examples from real proposals will illustrate good and bad practise in presenting bids.
The workshop is aimed at researchers, research managers and advisors who have had some introduction to FP7, such as an FP7 Information Day, and now need to understand the full requirements.