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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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Beyond the Horizon, Keen Regions Final Conference

The KEEN Regions final conference takes place at the premises of the Committee of the Regions, Rue Beillard 99-101, Bruxelles, on 17 April 2012, 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

17 April 2012 - 17 April 2012
The critical moment the European Union is going through is dramatically affecting all the society levels, including research and innovation. Regions will be deeply involved in setting up smart measures to sustain their innovation systems with less and less available resources. In such a framework, they are urged to define regional innovation strategies in order to exploit their competitive advantages and to valorise their assets. Channelling RD&I funding and triggering synergic actions at interregional level will be therefore vital to support the economic growth as well as testing new policy learning methodologies to jointly react to the crisis.

Representatives of the European Commission, Regional authorities and relevant stakeholders will have the chance for to meet and to compare different approaches for delivering smart regional policies for research and innovation.

In the first part, keynote speakers will present in detail the concept of smart specialisation and its concrete implications. The regional dimension of research and innovation as well as the future perspectives for clusters will be also presented, highlighting the links with the cohesion policy and the next programming period.

In the final round table session, regional representatives will share experiences and provide operational inputs for integrating smart specialisation strategies in the forthcoming regional operative programmes.The agenda is available at:
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