EU Commissioner Maire Geoghegan-Quinn will address EARMA European Research and Innovation Conference at TCD in Dublin, Ireland

The 18th annual conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA), taking place from 8th – 11th July 2012 in Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, will include a keynote address by Maire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research Innovation and Science, on “Horizon 2020 and a New Beginning for a European Research and Innovation System”.
EARMA 2012 will be held just prior to the 2012 Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) in Dublin and during the celebration of ‘Dublin, City of Science 2012’. The conference will focus on the upcoming Horizon 2020 programme, ongoing research management and professional development, and is being hosted by Trinity College Dublin (TCD) on its campus in the heart of Dublin city and by the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)
Some 400 delegates are expected from worldwide, for whom a welcome reception will be held at Dublin City Hall on Sunday 8th July at 6.00pm. The conference will be opened on Monday 9th July by the President of EARMA, Jan Andersen, University of Copenhagen, the Provost of Trinity College, Dr. Patrick Prendergast and the President of the Dublin Institute of Technology, Prof. Brian Norton.
Over the three days, parallel sessions and workshops will examine four themes: Grants management of collaborative research; Legal aspects and governance, ethics and compliance issues; Recognition of the profession: research office services and professional development; and Research strategies and policies.
EARMA’s local Organisers for the event are Oonagh Kinsman of TCD and John Donovan of DIT, and the professional conference organisers for registration, accommodation and event logistics are Ronan Flood and Sibil Cautela of Advantage ico. EARMA represents the community of Research Managers and Administrators within Europe. Its members work at the forefront of building the European research area. EARMA forms the interface between research funding organisations and the scientific community, bridging cultural and legal differences between countries, and between academia and industry, contributing to policy consultations, and managing the smooth running of research projects.
Horizon 2020, the European Commission’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe’s global competitiveness. Running from 2014 to 2020 with an €80 billion budget, the EU’s new programme for research and innovation is part of the drive to create new growth and jobs in Europe.
ESOF 2012 (Euroscience Open Forum) is Europe’s largest science conference and will convene in Dublin from 11th – 15th July 2012. Held every two years, ESOF enables leading scientists, researchers, industry, policy makers, science and technology communicators and the general public to discuss new discoveries and debate the direction that research is taking in the sciences, humanities and social sciences.
Horizon 2020 programme