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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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5th European Risk Conference in Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

The European Risk Research Network (ERRN) is pleased to invite you to the 5th European Risk conference to be held in Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg on 13-14 September 2012.

12 September 2012 - 14 September 2012
Organized and hosted by the Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, the conference aims to bring together practitioners and academic researchers in the risk domain. The conference will enable doctoral students, academics and practitioners to present their work during parallel sessions on topics relating to risk and risk management. The conference includes a business forum session addressed by leading practitioners from the field of risk.

Interest in risk and risk management has continued to increase as financial and non-financial companies endeavor to achieve success in environments that appear more uncertain than ever. This conference encompasses all risk related topics whether from an accounting, finance or management perspective. Doctoral students, academics and practitioners are invited to submit papers to be presented during parallel sessions on topics relating to risk, risk management, internal control and corporate governance.

These topics may include:
• Quantitative and qualitative tools for risk management (stress test, scenario, capital management, control, modeling…)
• Internal and external reporting of risk
• Risk and performance measurement
• Risk and accounting (the incorporation of risk into accounting measures and external audit)
• Internal audit (risk based auditing)
• Liquidity, credit, operational or reputational risk, people risk
• Risk management in the public sector
• Management of partnership and joint venture risks
• Risk governance (risk fund governance, role of governance in risk management, internal control issues, compensation)
• Risk culture
• Risk appetite
• Risk regulation (the evolution and impact of regulation such as Basel II, III, Solvency II, UCITS, …)

Applicants are required to submit a full paper by May 14th, 2012 to . Please indicate whether you wish your submission to be considered for the doctoral colloquium (to be held on 12 September immediately preceding the main conference), or the main conference, or both. Authors will be notified of acceptance end of June, 2012.

All presenters will be allocated an academic discussant who will provide the author(s) with a written feedback in addition to leading the discussion of the paper following the presentation. We also intend providing practitioner feedback to supplement the academic feedback. A prize will be awarded for the best conference paper.

You are welcome to contact Prof. Philip Linsley or Antoine Pierre on the above email addresses if you have any questions and a dedicated website will be made available in the coming weeks.


Risk research