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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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2012 UKRO Annual Conference at Leeds, United Kingdom

UKRO is pleased to announce that registration for the 2012 Annual Conference is now open. The event will take place at Leeds Metropolitan University on 28 and 29 June 2012.

28 June 2012 - 29 June 2012
The Annual Conference is the key event in the UKRO calendar, and each year it attracts a large audience of research support staff from over 140 universities and research institutes, based mainly in the UK but also from some other countries. There is also a strong participation of policy makers from Research Councils, UK Government Departments, and from research and development liaison offices in Brussels. Most of the invited speakers will be from the European Commission.

The Conference is an excellent forum for discussing and disseminating information on EU research, innovation, higher education polices and programmes. The majority of participants act as information multipliers in their own organisations, so the messages discussed should reach a wide range of the UK research community and beyond.

Discussions relating to the on-going negotiation process for the Horizon 2020 proposal will play a central role in this year's programme. The conference will open with a keynote session on Horizon 2020 to provide an update on the latest developments in the negotiations. Plenary sessions will cover the latest policy and implementation issues in the Marie Curie Actions and European Research Council (ERC) schemes; practical aspects of Framework Programme implementation; and European research partnering initiatives (including the Public-Private Partnerships and Joint Programming Initiatives). The conference will close with an update on the developments towards the European Research Area Framework.

Parallel sessions will cover the proposal for the Erasmus for All programme (the successor to the Lifelong Learning Programme), the plans for supporting international co-operation in research within Horizon 2020, the opportunities within the Joint Programmes run by the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and the Research Infrastructures scheme (part of the FP7 Capacities programme).

Further Information:

For more information on the programme and registration, please go to: