DoubleNanoMem Workshop on "Nanocomposite and Nanostructured Polymeric Membranes for Gas and Vapour Separations"

Demonstrating the scientific progress, we hope to stimulate a discussion on the potential industrial exploitation of new materials and technologies in view of Europe’s competitiveness in a global market. The industrial community will have the opportunity to present its products, its challenging problems or interesting case studies.
The workshop will also form a potential platform for future collaborations between academy and industry and for joint initiatives in the context of the EU’s framework programme.
The project “Nanostructured and Nanocomposite polymeric membranes for gas and vapour separations – DoubleNanoMem” is financed as a small or mediumscale focused research project under the EU’s 7th Framework Programme (Grant Agreement: NMP3-SL-2009-228631), Theme 4: Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies,
Materials and New Production Technologies, Topic: NMP-2008-2.1-1: Nanostructured
Membrane Materials.
The main objective of the DoubleNanoMem project is the development of novel nanostructured membranes based on the most appropriate combination of nanofillers with well-defined size and porosity, dispersed in advanced polymers for application in specific gas and vapour separations.