African European Research infrastructure Cooperation: Towards a stronger research infrastructure cooperation between Europe and Africa

Currently there is significant political attention on promoting science and technology partnerships between the European Union and Africa. The Joint Africa-European Union Strategy, adopted by Heads of Government at the December 2007 Lisbon Summit, notably includes a dedicated Science, Information Society and Space initiative. Several collaborative efforts are currently being implemented under this partnership, with the support of the African Union Commission, the European Commission and African and EU Member State governments. There is an increased focus on the role played by research infrastructures as a part of this cooperation.
The seminar will take place in Renaissance Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, Brussels, from 10:00 to 16:30.
- Dr Paul Rübig, Member of the European Parliament, EPP, Chairman of STOA
- Mr Michael Gahler, Member of the European Parliament, EPP, Chair of the Delegation for relations with the Pan-African Parliament
- Ms Elena Righi Steele, Deputy Project Officer, DG Research, European Commission
- Mr Daan du Toit, Minister Counsellor (Science and Technology), South African Mission to the European Union
- Dr Ole- Peter Ostermann, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
- Dr Stefan Michalowski, Executive Secretary at the Global Science Forum, OECD
- Prof Gonzalo León, President of the Lisbon Strategy Group and Vice President of the Space Advisory Group for Research at the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid
- Prof Dr Sospeter Muhongo, Full Professor of Geology, University of Dar Es Salaam
- Mr Claus Madsen, Chairman of the EIROforum Coordination Group
Event agenda and registration are available at'Promoting African European Research Infrastructure Partnerships' (PAERIP), a support action funded under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), aims at promoting research infrastructure cooperation between Africa and Europe. PAERIP is undertaking studies and analyses of key challenges in order to achieve this objective. Examples of such key challenges include: enhanced reciprocal access for researchers to African and European infrastructures, collaboration between Africa and Europe in developing new infrastructures, and maximizing socio-economic benefits from research infrastructure partnerships.