EU Initiative to “green” the consumer goods supply chain Conference in Brussels, Belgium

The e-SAVE project participates in the 16th Annual ECR Europe Conference titled “ECR: The Next Generation” - a major event in Europe for the fast moving consumer goods industry, attended by around 1.000 top executives from retail and manufacturing companies.
The project, which is co-funded by the European Commission, aims to contribute to an energy-efficient supply chain by providing the systems, services, collaboration platform and management tools that will help companies monitor, manage and share energy use and carbon footprint data in order to support operational as well as strategic decision making and design decisions.
The e-SAVE consortium (INTRASOFT INTERNATIONAL-Project Coordinator, ATHENS UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, BARILLA, QUANTIS,FEDERAL POLYTECHNIQUE SCHOOL OF LAUSANNE, BOC, UNIVERSITY OF DORTMUND, SIMPLAN, INTELEN SERVICES, ECR EUROPE, METRO) brings together complementary expertise in key areas, such as industrial environmental performance monitoring, life-cycle assessment ,supply chain management and information systems and simulation and decision support tools, which are critical for achieving the project’s objectives.
e-SAVE specifically focuses on the fast moving consumer goods sector, by involving ECR Europe, an organisation representing all major manufacturers and retailers in the sector, as well as one of its active members, Barilla, who pioneers in environmental sustainability practices. Emphasis is placed on industry adoption and quantifiable impact assessment.
For further information, please visit the project site:
Or contact:
Dr. Antonis RAMFOS (project coordinator):
Dr. Katerina Pramatari (scientific coordinator):