ENCITE Symposium "Red Hot MRI: In vivo 19F imaging"

Place: Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center (NL)
Abstract submission & Registration: 28 September 2012
Key note speakers
Prof. Klaas Nicolay, Technical University of Eindhoven
Prof. Jolanda de Vries, Radboud UMC, Nijmegen
Centre on imaging tools
The centre focusses on preclinical intravital microscopy; deep intravital tissue microscopy in window and other models; procedures for postprocessing and quantification of intravital microscopy data to monitor the efficacy of anti-tumour therapy.
For general quieries, please contact Dr. Mirjam Zegers (mzegers@ncmls.ru.nl).
ENCITE Symposium "Red Hot MRI: In vivo 19F imaging"
MR Imaging, Radiology