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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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ENCITE Symposium "Red Hot MRI: In vivo 19F imaging"

Within the ENCITE Multi Centre Cluster, the centre on imaging tools is very pleased to open its door to students and experts involved in this research field and to discuss latest advancements and foresights on 19F MRI and to foster future collaborations!

25 October 2012
Date: 25 October 2012
Place: Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center (NL)

Abstract submission & Registration: 28 September 2012

Key note speakers
Prof. Klaas Nicolay, Technical University of Eindhoven
Prof. Jolanda de Vries, Radboud UMC, Nijmegen

Centre on imaging tools
The centre focusses on preclinical intravital microscopy; deep intravital tissue microscopy in window and other models; procedures for postprocessing and quantification of intravital microscopy data to monitor the efficacy of anti-tumour therapy.

For general quieries, please contact Dr. Mirjam Zegers (

ENCITE Symposium "Red Hot MRI: In vivo 19F imaging"


MR Imaging, Radiology