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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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SEMINAR on "Optimization and Decision Support Systems for Supply Chains" in Portalegre, Portugal

The seminar is organized in the frame of the Erasmus Intensive Programme (Proc. N.º 08664/P PORTALE01/ERA10 IP 2011-2012, )

2 July 2012 - 2 July 2012
The summer school on Optimization and Decision Support Systems for Supply Chains (SC) is taking place (1-15 July) in Portalegre, Portugal, on behalf of the Erasmus Intensive Programme. In the first working day, the homonymous seminar is introducing the school, its aims, the programme, and it is giving insight on SC project development. Namely, by addressing industry-based SC operations, using optimization models, and focusing reverse logistics too. We hope to foster interchange among researchers and MSc/PhD students, to promote discussion with Optimization and SC practitioners, and to stimulate new ideas among industry participants.More information in


Supply Chain; Decision Support Systems