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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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Call for Experts for Monitoring and Assessment of the CONCERT-Japan Joint Call

The CONCERT-Japan project is going to launch a joint research and innovation call on “Efficient Energy Storage and Distribution” and “Resilience against Disasters” in September 2012.

24 May 2012
CONCERT-Japan is an international ERA-NET project with the objective to enhance the cooperation of European countries with Japan in various areas of S&T. The project is funded in the frame of the 7th EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) and runs from January 2011 to December 2013.

The core consortium of CONCERT-Japan consists of 13 organisations from 9 countries (Turkey (coordinator), Germany, France, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Norway and Japan). In addition, several observers are involved in some parts of the project.

Funding Organizations Forum (FOF) of the joint call brings together different funding organization both from Europe and Japan. The implementation of the CONCERT-Japan Joint Call will be managed by a Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) with the support of National and Regional Contact Persons (NRCP) who will be appointed by the participating funding organizations.

An external expert will be commissioned to monitor and assess the implementation of the Joint Call. An Inception Report (work plan) which outlines the monitoring work to be performed, the approach, the methodology and the planned timeline for the monitoring and a Monitoring and Assessment Report are expected to be prepared by the expert. The Monitoring and Assessment Report will include a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the call preparation and dissemination as well as of proposal submission, evaluation and selection processes. The duration of the contract with the external monitoring expert will last from 1 July 2012 until 31 July 2013.