EnRiMa at the European Sustainable Energy Week 2012: “ICT for Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Communities: from research to implementation"

The workshop’s key objective is to develop a consensus on three themes involved with the development of the three projects organising the event. The participants, under the guidance of three session chairs, will assist to lectures on a set of specific topics related to the roadmap of energy efficiency, proposed ICT solutions and latest results achieved by the three projects.
The main event session will give the participants the possibility to choose one of the three groups to discuss around the topics of Energy Efficiency for Buildings and Neighborhoods:
a. Decision-making support for integrated management of energy-efficient buildings
b. ICT for Energy Efficiency: the construction companies’ perspective
c. Integration Technologies and Energy Efficient Neighbourhoods
At the end of the breakout sessions, each group’s rapporteur will deliver a 20-minute presentation summarising findings from the discussions. The final scope of the event is to gather stakeholders’ inputs for improving ICT4EE adoption in the market.