STREAM satellite event during the Green Week successfully completed

This event aimed at showing 5 project videos from different water research projects. The important message of this informal meeting was to show the extended relevance of dissemination activities. After each video, the numerous audience had the chance to directly ask the project representatives questions. On this way a very interesting and lively discussion on video production and its dissemination potential to involve and reach the general public concluded the evening.
The satellite event, chaired by Hinano Spreafico, coordinator of STREAM project, was opened by two project videos produced thanks to the support of STREAM. The first video concerned the INNOWATER project, represented by the project coordinator Harro Riedstra (EWP) followed by the AQUAREHAB video. This last, represented by Piet Seuntjens, from VITO, answered questions on how the simulations can be implemented after the conclusion of the project and how other countries can benefit from it. The third video spot was hosted by the BioFresh project, where Manuel Lago from the Ecologic Institute, explained the importance of dissemination activities of research projects. Ana Christina Cardoso from the Joint Research Centre and partner in Biofresh, was also present and she actively took part in the discussion Questions ranged from curiosity driven thoughts, like costs to produce videos, to comparisons among various communication tools and the relevance of these in EU projects, thanks also to the lively participation of Philippe Quevauviller from the European Commission. Finally, the last video showed the activities of the IMPRINTS project and the coordinator, Daniel Sempere, answered questions about striking messages and images used in the video, dealing with floods, and the impact of such video productions.
The following 5 videos were shown and discussed with representative partners:
1) INNOWATER: Facilitating the market access of innovative water technologies – Harro Riedstra, EWP
2) AQUAREHAB: Implementing innovative water rehabilitation methods into European water management strategies – (Piet Seuntjens, VITO)
3) BioFresh: Biodiversity of Freshwater Ecosystems – (Manuel Lago, Ecologic Institute)
4) IMPRINTS: Flash Floods and Debris Flows Risk Management – (Daniel Sempere, UPC)
5) AquaFit4Use: The project for sustainable water use in industry
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