The complex and evolving relation of privacy and security: PACT Launching Conference at the European Parliament to discuss on the challenges ahead

During the conference all PACT partners will give a presentation on the activities they will carry out throughout the project life-cycle. PACT mission is to assess the existing knowledge about the relation between security and privacy and the role played by trust and concern, and then to collect empirical evidence through a pan-European survey on the public perception of the relation between privacy, fundamental rights, and security. On the basis of such an investigation, the project will develop and validate i) a Privacy Reference Framework for Security Technology, which is a new, evidence based, framework for incorporating privacy, ethical, and social considerations into security policies; and ii) a prototype Decision Support System, which may help end users to evaluate pros and cons of specific security investments also on the basis of the societal perception of privacy and liberty. The project partnership includes academia, public and private research centres, medium and large enterprises, end-users.The partners come from eight diverse EU member states (Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom, France) and two associated countries (Norway, Israel). Overall they represent at the highest level all research skills and disciplinary competencies necessary to successfully carry out the project, to effectively disseminate its outcomes among stakeholders, policy makers, and the public, and to inject results directly into the policy matrix. (