Final Event of FP7 project IMVITER (Implementation of Virtual TEsting in safety Regulations) in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany.

In the final event the following main project outcomes will be presented:
- Selection of regulatory acts in which VT could be implemented in short-term
- Different approaches identified for a practical implementation of VT
- Detailed flowcharts to be followed in each different approach, which could serve as a guideline for type approval stakeholders
- Methodology for the assessment of simulation models predictability
- Cost benefit analysis of VT implementation, short and long term scenarios
- VT opportunities in new and future technologies
The target audience for this event are:
- Professionals related to the motor vehicles type approval activities, namely, approval authorities, technical services and professionals involved in the development and/or regulatory assessment of components, parts, subsystems and vehicles.
- Experts in simulation in the automotive field, code vendors and code developers.
Registration is now open here( where you also can find a detailed programme and more practical information.
Virtual Testing in safety regulations