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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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ENCITE Final Workshop in Leiden, Netherlands

Application of imaging methods in cell-based therapies: from basic research to clinical practice

5 November 2012 - 5 November 2012
ENCITE Final Workshop will be held on 5 November 2012 in Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands.

ENCITE - European Network for Cell Imaging and Tracking Expertise - consists of 29 project partners from 10 countries with leading expertise in the field of cell imaging, with EIBIR as the coordinating partner. This 4-year project started in June 2008 and is co-funded by the European Commission with a financial contribution of €12m (Collaborative Project - Cooperation Health-2007-1.2-4: in vivo image-guidance for cell therapy).

The final worship will involve scientists involved in ENCITE are very pleased to announce that the end of the highly successful ENCITE project will be marked by a closing event presenting new technologies and methods in the field of imaging cell therapies and contrast agents.

The workshop has a strong focus on innovation, implementation, and sustainability of the project outcomes.

Highlights will be:
• New and improved imaging modalities
• 1st fluorine compound for clinical DC vaccines in patients
• Update on new generation fluorinated PLGA particles
• And many more highlights

A Hot Topic Discussion and a fascinating foresight to the future will round up the Workshop

Key Note Speaker
Prof. Jeff W. M. BulteċJohn Hopkins Medicine, Institute for Cell Engineering, Baltimore/USA

Imaging plays a central role for tomorrow’s medicine
Key note lectures will present views on the impact of and results on future trends in molecular imaging and their relevance for clinical applications.

Target audience
Scientists in cell and molecular imaging and anyone interested in imaging-related fields, representatives of industry and European decision-making institutions, medical doctors and students are most welcome to attend the event and to interactively discuss hot topics.

For more information and programme:

No registration fee required!
For pre-registration, please send an email to:


Molecular Imaging