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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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Beginning in September 2012, ISC Intelligence in Science will host Nicholas Michael Bashour, an American Fulbright-Schuman fellow, as he works to evaluate the impact of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and the proposed Horizon 2020 on the mobility of non-European early-career researchers into and across Europe to conduct scientific research in EU member states.

1 September 2012 - 1 January 2013
“Research and innovation drive economic growth, and these young, early-career researchers are the ones who will set the future global research agenda,” Bashour says. “Understanding factors that impact their mobility and career choices is thus important not only for the EU, but also the US and the international community. The European Commission certainly understands the significance of supporting these individuals, which is why it currently spends more than a quarter of its €50 billion research and technological development budget on researcher training and career development, and will spend even more under Horizon 2020. That is one of the smartest investments that the EU has made in the past few years.”

At ISC, Bashour will work with administrators, experts and policymakers in Brussels to evaluate the political, economic, and regulatory foundations behind early-career funding mechanisms sponsored by the European Commission, including future funding under the proposed Horizon 2020 program.

Bashour graduated with honors from Wayne State University in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts in Biological Sciences and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. Prior to arriving at ISC Intelligence in Science, Bashour completed a 3-year research fellowship at the National Institutes of Health in the United States, studying neuro-endocrinological regulation of reproduction. Bashour also serves as President and member of the Board of Directors of Wikimedia District of Columbia, a non-profit educational organisation based in Washington DC, which aims to empower people around the world through free access to global knowledge.


Horizon 2020