3 days in Paris and a rendezvous for Smart Systems connoisseurs

This call constitutes a great opportunity for the Smart Systems community, to define new directions for research, to assess new areas of application for innovative products or to set up new market-driven projects, its represents as well a perfect occasion to meet experts and potential partners and discuss about joint project proposals, new technological and business collaborations, identified funding opportunities.
COWIN aims at fostering commercial exploitation and increasing the creation of value for advanced Smart Systems technologies requiring further development before being marketable. COWIN is therefore committed to support on one side the Smart Systems community with the identification of market opportunities and with best practices on concrete business cases and on the other side integrators or end-users looking for advanced technologies to help their application area being more innovative and competitive.
In the framework of the Forum in Paris, COWIN and EPoSS are working closely together to set up a suitable ecosystem for stimulating the emergence of outstanding project proposals for the open European calls and for supporting the creation of value out of Smart Systems. Therefore the event in Paris is the place to be to:
- get the latest information on EU calls and individualised support to apply for them
- turn innovation into concrete European projects
- exploit industrial perspectives and develop business case out of research results
- initiate and follow up strategic partnerships
- get the current state-of-the-art of advanced Smart Systems technologies for industrial applications
Concretely, COWIN will offer a Matchmaking service for participants in the EPoSS Forum, consisting in face-to-face meetings with potential partners. COWIN supports participants with the identification and the selection, prior to the event, of attractive match between potential partners.
Furthermore, COWIN will present a selection of advanced Smart Systems technologies resulting from European projects with high potential for commercial exploitation. These technologies, in-depth assessed by COWIN experts and now labeled as “Gold Nuggets”, are available for industrial take-up in various application fields such as Life sciences, IT & Telecom, Agrofood, Environment, Energy…
Last but not least, COWIN will organise on 28th September a session addressing the compliance of regulation as a success factor for innovative projects with the objective to give key information and best practice on how the knowledge and the command of regulation aspects can open up business opportunities for Smart Systems technologies. Reimbursement of Smart Systems in the medical sector will also be addressed as well as its role in facilitating the adoption of innovative technologies by the markets.
To facilitate the preparation of the venue in Paris and to give a foretaste of the challenges expecting the participants, COWIN is organising on 13th September 2012 at 13:00 an online tutorial on the topic “Get prepared for the upcoming FP7 Call in Smart Systems” aiming at detailing the selection process and criteria for EU projects, including tips to write a successful project proposal as well as explaining COWIN’s methodology and how interested parties can benefit from COWIN’s support.
Please consult http://www.cowin4u.eu and http://www.smart-systems-integration.org for detailed information.
Miniaturised Smart Systems, MNBS