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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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FP7 – Project Management, Reporting and EC audits in Budapest, Hungary

A 3-day master-class and workshop to get the full picture on how to implement EU funded projects will be held from the 17 to 19 October 2012 in Budapest, Hungary.

17 October 2012 - 19 October 2012
This 3-day training course covers in full FP7 project implementation through 100% project experience and real-life examples.

The lecturers and workshop leaders are flesh-and-bone project managers and coordinators, whose day-to-day work is to make sure that their multiple projects are implemented according to EC Grant Agreement, problems are promptly tackled, and project partners adequately assisted in legal, technical and financial management issues.

We have helped almost 1,000 project managers and coordinators over the years in understanding the legal, technical and financial rules of FP7 and managing projects.

Experience Europa Media's famous "learning-by-doing" approach – presentations in the morning, then practice your newly-gained knowledge during the workshops specifically designed for the particular topics:

Grant Agreement Negotations
FP7 Financial Rules and Reporting
Project Management in Practice
Technical Reviews and EC Financial Audits

For more info and registration please visit: