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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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European Research Conferences, 1993

The 1993 programme of European Research Conferences is sponsored by the European Science Foundation and by the Commission of the European Communities. Most of the Conferences listed for the year have received funding, or are recommended for funding, from the specific programme...

1 January 1993 - 1 January 1993
The 1993 programme of European Research Conferences is sponsored by the European Science Foundation and by the Commission of the European Communities. Most of the Conferences listed for the year have received funding, or are recommended for funding, from the specific programme of research and technological development in the field of human capital and mobility (1990-1994) under the Third Framework Programme.

Each Conference consists of a series of meetings, held typically every other year. There are neither written contributions nor proceedings. Unconventional ideas and new approaches, not yet fully explored, are encouraged. General areas covered by the 42 European research Conferences scheduled for 1993 include: Physics; Materials; Chemistry; Life Sciences; Biomedicine and Health; Environment; Geosciences; Oceanography; Social Sciences; Economics; Humanities.

The Conferences are open to scientists from all over the world. Attendance is limited to about 100, including speakers and those selected by the Chair from among the applicants. a fee covering board and lodging will be charged, though some grants will be available for young researchers, in particular those from less favoured regions of Europe.

To provide fuller information about research conferences in Europe, the programme announcement also includes details of Jacques Monod Conferences (Biology and Biotechnology) organized by CNRS, and Philippe Laudat Conferences (Biotechnology) organized by INSERM, as well as the EUROMECH Colloquia (Fluid and Solid Mechanics).
Information on the Conferences may be obtained from:
European Science Foundation
Office of European Research Conferences
Attn. Dr. Josip Hendekovic
1 quai Lezay-Marnesia
F-67080 Strasbourg Cedex
Tel. +33-88767135; Telex 890440; Fax +33-88366987

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