MAST Days and EUROMAR Market: Preliminary conference programme
- (1) Scientific sessions: Ecosystem modelling; Exchange processes at the sea surface; qualitative approaches to the analysis of marine ecosystems; coastal morphodynamics.
- (2) Workshops on topics of future scientific research: Fluxes through straits and passages; shelf edge exchange processes; coupling of physical and ecological models.
- (3) Workshops on topics of future technological research: AUV design and development; neural networks for marine technologies; biosensors in marine research; deep-sea stations (including hydrothermal); optical plankton recording and analysis systems.
- (4) Discussion meetings on research and technological development: Europe's infrastructure for data management and modelling; benchmarks and intercalibration of models; methods and data sets for model variation; discussion of the need for data assimilation for reliable ecological models.
- (5) Discussion meetings on exploitation issues: Exploitation of RTD results; marketing; relationships between ecology and economics.
The event will begin with an opening plenary session and inauguration on the morning of Monday 15 March and will end on the afternoon of 17 March with a final plenary session, presentation of workshop and discussion group results, and EUROMAR Board meeting.
For further details, contact:
(a) Commission of the European Communities
MAST Programme
Attn. Dr. Marco Weydert
DG XII, Directorate E
rue Montoyer 75 (SDME 3/80)
B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2962378; Telex COMEU B 21877; Fax +32-2-2963024
(b) Administrative secretariat
27a rue de l'Abbaye
B-1050 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-6478780; Fax +32-2-6406697