1993 wave energy conference: JOULE research results
The date for the event has been particularly selected as being close to the end of JOULE's present series of wave energy study projects, begun early in 1992. For this reason the Symposium is expected to be of particular interest to experts and researchers in this field, who will be able to examine and discuss many of the results derived from prototype and pilot plants built, operated and tested over recent years.
The inclusion of wave energy as a study area within JOULE (some 40% of the projects selected under the first JOULE 2 call for tenders concerned research into renewable energy sources) has emphasised the importance placed on this promising and environmentally safe technology. Wave energy now benefits from some twenty years of focussed research in European countries and worldwide.
The symposium aims to bring together those who are active in this scientific and technological field, particularly those involved in the JOULE actions and projects themselves. It will provide a first major opportunity to discuss and compare results stemming from this work, and to assess future trends.
Covering all areas of wave energy, resource assessment, technology development, design methods and testing, plus prototype and commercial development, planning and economics, the European Wave Energy Symposium is considered to be the major event for wave energy in 1993. Participation from both Europe and overseas is actively encouraged.
Full information may be obtained from:
Conference Organiser
National Engineer Laboratory of Glasgow (NELG)
Attn. Mrs. E. Gibson
East Kilbride
Glasgow G75 OQU
Tel. +44-355272154; Fax +44-355236930