The future of industry in Europe
MONITOR is the European RTD programme for identifying new directions and priorities for Community Research and Technological Development Policy. It includes FAST, SAST (Strategic Assessment in Science and Technology) and SPEAR (the Support Programme for the Evaluation of Activities in the field of Research).
The Conference is sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities and by the UK Department of Trade and Industry and organized by the UK MONITOR Network Node at PREST (Programme of Policy Research in Engineering, Science and Technology) at Manchester University.
The Conference is to present and discuss alternative scenarios and strategic options for the development of industry in Europe and in the global economy and to encourage dialogue between industrial and RTD policy in the 21st century. In addition to an assessment of the future competitiveness of industry in Europe, the conference seeks to raise more fundamental issues challenging industry. For example, the relationship between work and welfare, industry and employment, the environmental challenge, competitiveness against social cohesion and the future role for Central and Eastern Europe, globalization of industry and the role of SMEs.
Amongst the speakers, Riccardo Petrella, Head of the FAST programme, will open the second day of the conference, presenting the five major issues and will also participate in the closing comments.
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