TECHNOVA '93: "Innovar es Competir"
It provides an ideal venue for experts, businesses including SMEs, and other private or public organizations to meet for the discussion of specialized research topics, questions of funding, or simply to make new contacts or to find partners for future Community calls for proposals.
The very wide range of technological sectors covered by this five-day event includes:
- Communications and information technologies;
- Aero-space technologies;
- Production technologies;
- Energy;
- Agricultural and food;
- Environment, recycling;
- Healthcare technologies;
- Financing, promotion and technology assessment.
In addition, a Spanish VALUE Relay Centre will be launched during TECHNOVA. It will be inaugurated by Mr. V. Parajon Collada of DG XIII and the Minister of Education for Spain.
Those present at TECHNOVA '93 have the "added-value" experience of online CORDIS access under expert guidance (in a range of Community languages), together with an opportunity to see demonstrated the CORDIS CD-ROM version of the database. Promotional material is also available.
The CORDIS demonstration is an opportunity for companies, research and educational institutes, local/regional government, SMEs and all other interested parties, to assess the usefulness of the database with relation to their own user-specific needs.
In particular, the CORDIS RTD-Partners database has attracted growing enthusiasm among delegates at recent conferences.
For full CORDIS information, contact:
European Commission Host Organization
CORDIS Customer Service
B.P. 2373
L-1023 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-4410122240; Fax +352-4410122248
Detailed information on the structure and aims of the VALUE Relay Centre Network may be obtained from:
Commission of the European Communities
Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge Unit
Attn. Mr. J.Hernandez-Ros
Jean Monnet building (C4/007)
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-430134533; Fax +352-430134129