Risk Management for EC Funded Projects Online Course
Additionally, any entity (organisation or consortium) that exhibits a maturity level in risk management, increases the chances of being selected for funding, under the various EU funding schemes. The reason is that proper risk management acts as an alleviator for the risk averse public sector (including the various EU bodies).
The completion of the course entitles participants to pursue the PM² Basic Certification. At the end of the training participants receive the proof of training and a complimentary voucher (normal cost € 150) for the PM² Basic Certification.
For more information click here --> https://www.europeanacademy.com/risk-management-for-e-c-funded-projects/?utm_source=Cordis&utm_medium=Events%20Article%2011%2F11&utm_campaign=Risk%20Management%20for%20EC%20Funded%20Projects
Horizon2020, H2020, FP7, EC, EU Project, EC Grant, EU Fund, MSCA, Techniques for Project Design, Innovative Training Networks, European Training Networks, Audit, Auditing Activities, Finance, Project Cost, Project Management, Ecalyation, Workshop, Webinar, Certification, Training Course, Practice, Research, Innovation, Model Grant Agreement, Project Financial Statement, Project Audit, Eligible Costs, Direct Costs, COM, COMAV, Audit Report