Financial Administration & Auditing Preparation for EC Funded Projects Online Course
This online course is an opportunity to grasp the basic principles for managing the EC funds under the H2020 framework. It is addressed to all those project managers, accountants, financial officers, who on a daily basis have to document and keep detailed information on how they spend the EC money. We will discuss the EC’s audit approach to H2020 beneficiaries in order to reassure project managers in their interaction with auditors.
With the new programming period 2021 – 2027 the EU budget envisages even more important investment focus on Research and Innovation, with its new framework Horizon Europe. We will discuss the novelties – investment focus, financial rules and simplification.
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Horizon2020, H2020, HorizonEurope, FP7, EC, EU Project, EC Grant, EU Fund, MSCA, Techniques for Project Design, Innovative Training Networks, European Training Networks, Audit, Auditing Activities, Audit Report, Finance, Project Cost, Project Management, Ecalyation, Workshop, Webinar, Certification, Training Course, Practice, Research, Innovation, Model Grant Agreement, Project Financial Statement, Project Audit, Eligible Costs, Direct Costs, CFS, COM, COMAV