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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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The application of remote sensing to tropical forest inventory and monitoring

The first TREES (TRopical Ecosystem Environment observations by Satellite) project conference will be held on 20 to 21 October 1993 in Belgirate (Italy). The conference is being organized by the Joint Research Centre of the European Communities in collaboration with the Europe...

20 October 1993 - 20 October 1993
The first TREES (TRopical Ecosystem Environment observations by Satellite) project conference will be held on 20 to 21 October 1993 in Belgirate (Italy). The conference is being organized by the Joint Research Centre of the European Communities in collaboration with the European Space Agency and the Directorates-General I and XII of the Commission of the European Communities.

This conference marks the end of the first phase of the JRC-ESA TREES project which has focused on the development of remote sensing techniques for addressing tropical forest monitoring issues. The conference will report on current results and achievements in the fields of monitoring tropical forest ecosystems on regional and global scales. It will also provide an opportunity for other related programmes and projects to present their current activities and future plans. Finally, an extensive proposal by the Joint Research Centre, together with other services of the Commission, to initiate a TREES II project will be presented.

While only invited papers will be presented during the session, there will be space available for poster displays.
For more information, please contact:
Commission of the European Communities
Joint Research Centre
Attn. Mr. J. P. Le Gorgeu
Ispra Site, T.P.440
I-21020 Ispra (VA)
Tel; +39-332-785214; Fax +39-332-789502/785409