CRAFT workshop on composite materials and related technologies
CRAFT is an initiative of the Commission of the European Communities operating under the BRITE/EURAM industrial and materials technology programme. It is designed to facilitate the participation of small and medium sized enterprises in Community research activities. Partnerships of SMEs with limited research or technological development facilities of their own can obtain funding to place RTD programmes with a third party such as a research organization, university or larger company. Funding can be up to 50% of the cost of the programme (with a total project cost ceiling of ECU 1 million). CRAFT has an open call for proposals and has a simplified, two-stage proposal structure which allows good initial proposals (stage 1, proposals) to receive funding for the process of creating a final proposal and project grouping (stage 2, expansion and definition).
The objective of the CRAFT workshop at ECCM in Bordeaux is to put together project teams with ideas for potential CRAFT programmes. Project groupings will present their ideas and look for additional partners to join them.
For more information on BRITE/EURAM or CRAFT, please contact:
Commission of the European Communities
BRITE/EURAM helpline
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2952345; Fax + 32-2-2958046
To register for the CRAFT workshop, please contact:
2 place de la Bourse
F-33076 Bordeaux
Tel. +33-2-56015020; Fax +33-2-56015005