European Environmental Mutagen Society meeting
This year the annual meeting is co-sponsored by the Community's specific RTD programme in the field of the environment (1990-1994) providing an opportunity for environmental health scientists from this programme to meet colleagues involved in the STEP programme (Science and Technology for Environmental Protection, 1989-1992), share results, and coordinate research activities more effectively.
The meeting also provides an excellent forum for wide discussion of many of the issues involved in environmental mutagenesis and how the Commission may act through support and coordination of research in the Community to mitigate the problem. The main topics at this year's Conference will be:
- Molecular analysis of mutagenesis and DNA repair;
- Insertional mutagenesis;
- Somatic mutation and recombination;
- Mutagenesis and carcinogenesis;
- New trends in genetic toxicology;
- Human biomonitoring;
- Genetic risk assessment;
- In vitro/in vivo genotoxicology testing;
- Metabolism of mutagens and carcinogens;
- Clastogenicity and aneuploidy.
For more information, contact:
Commission of the European Communities
Environment Programme
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2961633; Fax +32-2-2963024
The event is coordinated by:
BRP, Barcelona Relaciones Publicas
138 C. Pau Claris,(7/4)
08009 Barcelona
Tel. +34-3-2157214; Fax +34-3-2157287