BRITE/EURAM chemical engineering workshop
Organized by BRITE/EURAM 2 (the specific research and technological development programme in the field of industrial and materials technologies, 1990-1994), the provisional agenda of the three-day workshop includes:
Day one:
- Inaugural Conference of the Sixth Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering (6MCChE);
- A presentation of the BRITE/EURAM programme;
- Session 1: (a) Catalysis, (b) Catalysis and NOx/SO2 removal.
Day two:
- Session 2: Membranes;
- Inauguration of EXPOQUIMA '93 (visits to EXPOQUIMA are also timetabled).
Day three:
- Plenary Conference of the Sixth Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering (6MCChE);
- Session 3: Polymers and Environment;
- Technical presentation of the BRITE/EURAM programme based on two completed projects;
- Chemical engineering and Environment (Round table open to all 6MCChE and BRITE/EURAM participants).
For further information on the BRITE/EURAM workshop please contact:
Commission of the European Communities
Attn. Mr. S. Cervera March (MO75 3/24)
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2958765; Fax +32-2-2958046