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European Young Scientist Award

The 1993 "European Competition for Young Scientists" took place in Berlin on 27-29 September 1993. It brought together the 68 finalists selected from over 10,000 young entrants during national competitions in each of the EEC Member States and in Austria, Finland, Norway, Swede...

27 September 1993 - 27 September 1993
The 1993 "European Competition for Young Scientists" took place in Berlin on 27-29 September 1993. It brought together the 68 finalists selected from over 10,000 young entrants during national competitions in each of the EEC Member States and in Austria, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.

Organized in the framework of the Community programme for research and technological development in the field of human capital and mobility (one of the specific RTD programmes within the Third Framework Programme, 1990-1994), the annual event aims to stimulate creativity and innovation among young people in the domains of science and technology, at the same time encouraging exchanges and scientific cooperation between them.

Speaking at the award ceremony, Commission Vice-President Professor A. Ruberti emphasized that the encouragement among young people of an active interest in science and technology helps to prepare a future generation of researchers and engineers, for which Europe has ever increasing need.

The finalists (aged between 15-21 years) presented, individually or in teams, a scientific research project of their own conception. At the same time, projects were demonstrated by invited young participants from Hungary and the United states. Each entry was featured in a public exhibition which took place in parallel. The final assessment of projects was made by a distinguished panel of international scientists and experts.

Equal First Prizes (Commission study grants of ECU 5,000) were awarded to:

- A biological expedition to the Philippine rain forest (Denmark);
- A computer controlled intravenous drip feed (Denmark);
- The geological mapping of a Neolithic mine (Spain);
- Mate selection by a male crustacean (Ireland);
- An alarm processing system (Austria);
- The Paul Erdos minimum overlap problem (Norway).

Equal Second Prizes (Commission study grants of ECU 3,000) were awarded to:

- Oil (hydrocarbon) recovery from water (Belgium);
- Investigation of ball lightning (Germany);
- Fermat's last theorem (Germany);
- A user-friendly video-recorder (Germany);
- Use of biogas in a photosynthetic culture (Italy);
- Palletizer improvement (United Kingdom).

In addition, three participating groups were awarded travel grants in order to present their projects at the 1994 US/International Science and Engineering Fair, Alabama, USA.

Next year's European Young Scientist Competition (the judging of European finalists and presentation of awards) will be held in Luxembourg on 26-28 September 1994.
Information on the Community programme for human capital and mobility may be obtained from:

Commission of the European Communities
Human Capital and Mobility
Directorate-General XII (XII/G-1)
75 rue Montoyer
B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2953696; Telex 21877 COMEU B; Fax +32-2-2963307

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