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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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9th International Scientific Film Festival

The 9th International Scientific Film Festival was marked by the attribution of the European Prize to a French film entitled, "Si l'azote m'etait compte". For this prize, the European Commission contributes up to ECU 9000, intended to be used in the production of various langu...

12 November 1993 - 12 November 1993
The 9th International Scientific Film Festival was marked by the attribution of the European Prize to a French film entitled, "Si l'azote m'etait compte". For this prize, the European Commission contributes up to ECU 9000, intended to be used in the production of various language versions. Last year's winner, a Ukrainian film entitled "Nous vivons encore" was thus able to produce French, English, Spanish, German and Italian versions.

The subject of this year's European prize winner concerns the advantages of developing wholesome agricultural practices, specifically as concerns the use of fertilizers with the aim of limiting or even reducing water pollution resulting from the use of these substances.

The aim of the International Scientific Film Festival, since its inception, is to help disseminate scientific and environmental information to a wide public of all ages.
For more information, contact:

Commission of the European Communities, DG XII/D-2
Attn. Mr. Christian Guittet (B4-75)
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L-2920 Luxembourg
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