Muelheim VRC: December events
- CORDIS (2 December 1993): An overview of the VALUE programme, a description of the eight CORDIS databases, the menu system, the CD-ROM, principles of online search, examples of the search process, examples of cooperation with the help of the RTD-Partners database.
- AIR programme (6 December 1993): Research in the field of agriculture and agro-industry including fisheries, the AIR programme in practice, practical contract experience, other funding possibilities, searching for an AIR partner with the help of Community databases, hands-on database searches.
- Financing innovation through risk-capital (10 December 1993): Possibilities for financing offered by the German Laender, State financing, EC financing.
- VACRO Day (15 December 1993): A VALUE technology forum to help interested companies make use of the results of EC funded Computer-Integrated Manufacture (CIM) projects. Presentation of VALUE, presentation of selected ESPRIT projects in CIM, individual searches on databases for projects and partners.
- The EEC's Eastern European programme and its possibilities for German enterprise (21 December 1993): Information on PHARE, TEMPUS, TACIS and the opportunities offered by these programmes.
For further information on these events, please contact:
Value Relay Centre/ Euro Info Centre
Dohne 54
D-45468 Muelheim (Ruhr)
BR Deutschland
Tel. +49-208-3000421; Fax +49-208-3000429
Information on other VRCs and on the structure and aims of the VRC Network may be obtained from:
Commission of the European Communities
Attn. Mr. J. Hernandez-Ros
Jean Monnet building (C4/007)
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-430134533; Fax +352-430134129
A pocket guide to Euro Info Centres, plus further information on their activities, are available from:
Commission of the European Communities
Directorate-General XXIII
Attn. C. Wauthier
200 rue de la Loi (ARLN 80 4/32)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2965000/-2965002;
Fax +32-2-2951740