Dublin VRC to hold VACRO Days on agro-food and telecommunications technologies
VALUE Crossroad Days, a Commission initiative in the framework of the VALUE programme, aim to bring the practical results of Community research and technological development into an arena where they may be assessed and discussed by small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs), with a view to attracting interest in the commercial application of the results.
Selected Community RTD results are presented to members of local industry most likely to be interested in their applications. Individual meetings are arranged between the developers and the potential clients, with a view to setting up possible exploitation agreements.
On 20 January 1994 an exploitation workshop for the agro-food sector will take place at University College, Cork. The one-day event includes presentations on:
- Genetic manipulation of key technological traits of lactic acid bacteria;
- Probotic bacteria, their isolation, characterization and application in fermented milk products;
- Natural anti-microbal compounds from lactic acid bacteria and other sources and applications in food products;
- CINAC, new technique and prototype instrument to characterize acidification behaviour in lactic acid bacteria cultures;
- Isolation and use of lactic acid bacteria from natural fermentations;
- FLAIR-FLOW Europe;
- Support for exploitation (licence and technology transfer agreements, VALUE programme support for exploitation, venture capital and seed capital plus business plan).
In addition, there will be opportunity for questions and discussion. Bilateral meetings between RTD contacts and industry participants will be arranged to take place during the afternoon.
On 4 February 1994, a VACRO Day on the subject of communications technologies will take place in Glasnevin, Dublin. The event will centre on communications developments within the RACE programme in the field of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and network management plus the exploitation opportunities available in these areas. The topics to be covered are:
- The RACE programme's ATM developments;
- ATM introduction and development strategies;
- ATM in the local loop;
- ATM experimentation, application and exploitation;
- Exploitation of RTD results, venture capital issues.
The event will include time for discussion and questions on each topic. The presentations will be followed by a lunch reception at which bilateral meetings on the commercial application of results may take place.
For full information on either of these VACRO Days, please contact:
The Irish VALUE Relay Centre
EOLAS - The Irish Science and Technology Agency
Attn. Dorothy Timmons
Dublin 9
Tel. +353-1-370101; Fax +353-1-379082
Details of the network of VALUE Relay Centres may be obtained from:
Commission of the European Communities
Attn. Mr. J. Hernandez-Ros
Jean Monnet building (C4/007)
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-430134533; Fax +352-430134129