Europe and scientific and technological cooperation in relation to water
The morning session will focus on European Union RTD and Joint Research Centre activities in relation to water with the following presentations:
- R&D action in the area of the environment;
- R&D action in industrial technologies;
- Measurement and testing: cooperation between laboratories for quality control in water analyses.
The afternoon session will deal with other types of S&T cooperation in this field:
- Cooperation with EUREKA and with partners outside the European Union;
- Research and training synergy and the experience of the WEEL (Water Environment European Laboratories) network.
For further information please contact:
Commission of the European Communities
Directorate General XII
Attn. Dr. Ph. Quevauviller,
200 rue de la Loi (MO75 3/42)
B-1049 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2958072