BCR: Surface characterization and microhardness measurement workshop, March 1994
The fast, economic and reliable measurement of surface water quality is essential for a wide range of manufacturing processes. Much progress has been made over recent years in the study, development and use of new techniques for measuring surface features related to the function or appearance of a product.
The Eindhoven meeting has the dual function of reporting the outcome of research projects supported by the Commission and, by also presenting related work, helping to define future activity in the field of surface measurement.
For further information or registration details, please contact:
Attn. Dr. C.H.V Velzel
CFT-Measurement and Inspection
Fax +31-40736024
Inquiries concerning the Measurements and Testing Programme may be directed to:
European Commission
Measurements and Testing (BCR)
Attn. Dr. Ph. Quevauviller
200 rue de la Loi (MO75 3/42)
B-1049 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2958072