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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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The European conference on environment and energy for the ceramic industry 1994

A conference on the practical aspects of environmental improvement and energy saving in the ceramic industry will take place in Maastricht on 21-23 March 1994. The conference is organized by the European Commission, Directorate-General XVII, in conjunction with NOVEM (Netherla...

21 March 1994 - 21 March 1994
A conference on the practical aspects of environmental improvement and energy saving in the ceramic industry will take place in Maastricht on 21-23 March 1994. The conference is organized by the European Commission, Directorate-General XVII, in conjunction with NOVEM (Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment) as part of the THERMIE programme.

The conference is mainly concerned with the transfer of practical knowledge and is intended both for the Western and Eastern European ceramic industries. The multi-disciplinary nature of the conference will include presentations on technological issues in the industry and on environmental and energy research developments which will have an impact on the industry.

During the conference, topics will be dealt with in plenary sessions and in a large number of parallel sessions. Subjects to be discussed include:

- Raw materials, integrated chain management and life cycle analysis;
- Recycling of waste materials in the ceramic industry;
- European environmental and energy demonstration projects;
- Energy and environmental management and information systems;
- Environment and energy and the ceramic products market.

A special session will also take place in the framework of CERLABS, the European network of national ceramic laboratories. At this meeting the results of a survey undertaken by the SPRINT programme on the environmental aspects of the ceramic industry will be presented.
For further information please contact:

Conference secretariat
CONGREX Holland b.v.
Ms Karen Lagerweij
Keizersgracht 782
1017 EC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel. +31-20-6261372; Fax +31-20-6259574


Attn. Mr. William Genordu
P.O. Box 17
6130 AA Sittar
The Netherlands
Tel. +31-46595276

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