Workshop on technologies for clean and efficient combustion of lignite
The workshop is being organized as one of a series of events under the Commission's THERMIE programme (DG XVII) which deals with energy. The objective is to improve the dissemination and transfer of energy efficient technologies in the solid fuel sector. The following topics will be covered:
- Presentation of the THERMIE programme;
- Situation of the lignite sector in the CZECH republic;
- Presentation of lignite combustion technologies;
- Fluidized bed combustion;
- Integrated gasification combined cycle;
- Low NOX burners;
- Management and disposal of lignite ash.
For further information and registration details please contact:
Workshop secretariat
7 Sp. Triantafliou Street
GR-11361 Athens
Tel. +30-1-829660; Fax +30-1-867681