European forum on motor biofuels
This event is an initiative of the European Union and will be opened by the President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors, and will be addressed by Edouard Balladur, prime minister of France, and Christiane Scrivener, European Commissioner.
The development of biofuels is a topical issue for both industry and agriculture and encompasses a range of technical, economic, fiscal and environmental issues. Leading figures from politics, industry, agriculture and government will consider the progress of this energy source. Their contributions will assist the development of a strategy for biofuels to be mapped out at European Union level.
The forum will be divided into a number of sessions which will include:
- The European Common Agricultural Policy and motor biofuels;
- The energy cost of motor fuels;
- Urban transport and motor biofuels: the role of local communities;
- The environment and motor biofuels;
- The economic and social cost;
- European regional and motor biofuels;
- Industrial strategies.
The forum is intended to improve the coordination, explanation and display for community policy concerning motor biofuels for the next decade. The Common Agricultural policy (CAP) has required the setting aside of a significant part of agricultural areas. Only non-food production is allowed on set-aside land, with energy crops taking first place. There is a clear need for an in-depth examination of the policy implications in this area.
For further information please contact:
Forum secretariat
ADEME (Environmental and Energy Management Agency)
27 rue Louis Vicat
F-75015 Paris
Tel +33-38681668; Fax +33-38537476