Technology transfer conference, Norway
"Vision EUREKA Lillehammer '94" is timed to coincide with the 12th EUREKA Ministerial Conference which concludes the Norwegian Chairmanship later this year. Vision EUREKA is a series of 18 technology conferences attended by a total of 4,000 leading European decision makers in applied science, technology and industry.
The conference will include a presentation on two EU initiatives: Mr Jack Burgess of the European Commission, DG XIII, will address the conference on the role of the SPRINT Programme in technology transfer and Mr Simon Bensasson of DG III (Industry) will explain the role of the EU's Networks of Excellence.
The other speakers are the British Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Trade and Technology, Mr Patrick McLoughlin, the French Senator and entrepreneur of Sophia Antipolis Prof. Pierre Laffitte and Market Executive European Business Development British Technology Group Ltd. Mr Gilbert Nicoloan.
For further information contact:
Oslo Research Park
Per Harald Fredriksen
Gaustaddaleen 21
N-0371 Oslo
Tel. +47-22958506; Fax +47-22604427